Monday, July 26, 2010

Writing Tips

Author Janet Fitch has an excellent post on 10 Writing Tips That Can Help Almost Anyone. Every single tip is worth reading and taking into your own writing space.
My favorites are No. 7, Smarten Up Your Protagonist: 
"They don’t have to be super-educated, they just have to be mentally active. Keep them looking, thinking, wondering, remembering."
And No. 10, Torture Your Protagonist:
"The more we love them, and the more cleverly we torture them along the lines of their greatest vulnerability and fear, the better the story."
Her blog is worthy of reading as well. The short stories she posts, based on a randomly chosen word of the week, are not just entertaining but worth studying if you're a young or aspiring writer. Even in these short snippets, she crafts wonderful, three-dimensional characters and sets a scenes that make you feel like you're living them.  

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